Monday 19 April 2010

memories and more 2

i still remember srilanka as though it was just yesterday.the memories of that beautiful place still seem so vivid.i remember for me it was love at first sight.our tour guides were just 2 rather odd looking boys picked quite randomly at the airport.the 4 wheeler was very spacious and the ride to our guest house very humid.
upon arrival at the guest house our host Mr and Mrs mendes greeted us with a wonderful traditional Buddhist welcome and some chilled king coconut water.

the following weeks spent in srilanka were awesome.we visited galle.the picturesque hill station of Kandy,ever bustling city Colombo and many of the unfortunate tsunami struck islands.
there is so much to share about that holiday,but i don't have enough words to really capture my here i would conclude this experience with feelings of joy.nostalgia and hope that someday i could go back with family to yet another beautiful destination!

Sunday 18 April 2010

memories and more

as we grow older life manifests and unfolds in front of us in so many different ways.we meet new people along our life journey,gather new experiences both pleasent and unpleasent.but not only do we gain but loose just as much.this is talking from personal experience though!it could be the opposite for most of you.anyway coming back to my topic in question i suddenly have been feeling quite nostalgic the past month.i guess it all started when mom and dad left back home for dubai.alone well almost{as my bro lives here in england with me}leaving me with a cold and empty feeling.even literally!the journey back from the airport was strange yet pleasent.the weeks following brought along with them different challenges and very little joys.thus making me nostalgic of the wonderful past.let me start with my teenage years.only because i remember them still very clearly.our wonderful summer holidays as a family.i remember the spontaneous decisions made on the destination of travel.mostly we would love going home to bombay.during which we would go to goa to trace back our roots!even though travel today has become convenient and even inexpensive courtesy some low cost carriers i do miss good old paolo coaches.they were not your 5 star coaches,but yet did offer that service.ofcourse for the extra rupee!mom dad annie me and anthony.the journey was exhausting.but our destination always made it worth while.we usually came across land slides,road blocks ,curfews and ofcourse the ever mighty monsoons.the people we met along on our bus ride still hold a special place in my heart.even today.on our arrival at my uncles villa we were ever so exhausted.yet not so much for a game of carrom.and ofcourse an exhilerating bike ride with my cousin on his hero honda along goas charmin paddy fields.even now sometimes i can remember closing my eyes taking in the scent of raw wet earth!the best scent ever!our nights filled with the ever so delicious goan portugese cuisine,port wine and a card game.after goa we would return home to grandma in bombay.the hustle and bustle of bombay would instantly remind us of what we were missing in tranquil goa.yet bombay has and had a charm of its grandma lived in a pretty catholic colony formerly made as army barracks during the british raj to accomodate the british 1947 they were converted into homes.we lived in a wonderful block with wonderful soon as we got home i remember rushing to meet my friends in the next block.just waiting to narrate my memories.

in the following years we traveled to India ,where we took trips to kerala,and of course Jaipur since my parents hold deep sentiments towards sai baba the patron saint of Ajmer.
later in the years we traveled to Russia,Scandinavia,the Mediterranean and Srilanka.

its getting late friends but i will continue to share my memories and more after my beauty sleep.see you tomorrow morning!good night.

Monday 12 April 2010

is beauty really skin deep?

You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her”a famous quote read by a lot of people but not really what is it what we find visually appealing,for eg the most common conception.big beautiful eyes,a beautiful set of pristine white teeth,accompanied by a gorgeous smile,lustrous hair and not to forget a flawless complexion!these are in fact the worlds expectations from one another since times immemorial.depressing!i know.yet imperative in today's it in the professional front or personal.we usually tend to blame media on a lot of our issues.but what is the media?isn't it a part of our own creation..the public or layman as we call ourselves.medias role is nothing but adhering to our needs.don't we want to see beautiful people on that we could feel good.or perhaps aspire to look like them.all right maybe that's a slight exaggeration for some of us but i have come across a lot of people who have become slaves to television and fashion magazines.lets come a little closer to home and women,husbands and wives etc etc.don't we all make unnecessary demands on one we actually just fall in love at first sight based on someones qualities.of course not.i do agree that to a certain level physical appeal would matter.i would be lying trough my teeth if i said no it did not.but where do we draw the not fact i measure 4 feet 12 not a supermodel.i have everyone else.having said that im sure a lot of the famously known supermodels feel the exact same way!which only goes to prove that we are all imperfect.and i think that is what makes life so interesting!i personally think perfection is boring!my husband thinks im the ugliest person ever created.he calls me a midget although midgets have smaller legs then mine!but he ends it all usually with the smartest one liner.i was just joking!well over the years ive grown accustomed to these nasty remarks and do take them as joke as he says they just are.but then its only natural to have a little doubt.isn't look at yourself in the mirror when you wake up in the morning and think am i really look for high-heels{preferably jimmy choo}on the make sure your face and skin look wonder just why you don't look like a Hollywood or Bollywood superstar!because only then you fit in!

if you look at matrimonial ads you will often come across this famous is how it goes
40 plus male seeks a 20-35 female.must be of fair complexion,long black hair,must be at least 5 11 in height and must be highly qualified.and the extras now.must be able to cook and have strong family values.
now this was a typical Asian matrimonial advert.the rules though are comparably relaxed in a western matrimonial site.

im not however speaking just from a female point of view.i know that women too demand perfection from men.not as much though!

well i guess our quest for beauty will never end.whoever said beauty is skin deep definitely hasn't met my husband!

Tuesday 6 April 2010

incredible india

lorraines truth

In conducting ourdaily affairs, we are often tempted to find safety in numbers. If we are indecisive, we side with the majority, reasoning that if so many people believe something, it must be true. But, truth is not elected democratically. In simplest terms, democracy means that the majority has a right to decide. So, democracy is nothing more than a fair system of governance in absence of a better alternative. But to think of it as a barometer of truth is a blunder. The truth is that the ‘majority’ has nothing to do with what exactly is the truth?is it what we hear or see.or perhaps what we bielieve is true in our instead of siding with the majority and exercising too much of political correctness lets just stand for the truth!