Saturday 27 February 2010

the good,the bad and the insane!

how can u spot an evil person.oh if i could do that just as easily as i could cook a very exotic delicious Thai green chicken curry i would probably have been a happier person !or do we all not wish that.ive grown up believing that there are only 2 kinds of people in this mother would always tell me while growing up.the ones that do good deeds and the ones that commit evil acts.but here and then i met the third kind!the insane.and anti social twisted types.the ones that drive you nuts.the ones that play sinister games.that run an evil twisted show behind the scenes!these my dear friends don't live in special a matter of fact they live with you.they could be your very ordinary next door neighbors Mr and Mrs xyz,or the cashier at your local supermarket,or the boy that waits on you at your fav seafood restaurant every-time you pay a visit.or perhaps someone closer!now the trick is not in dealing with these evil insane species that plague our world .the trick is in spotting them out.heres an idea that could help?or maybe not.

now besides having a strange negative aura the evil ones have a very special physical distinction?
Here is how you spot evil in a person’s eyes. This is barring some genetic abnormality, like a clubbed foot.

Lets say that you want to know if the people you connect or in this case have to connect with are evil. There are several key indicators. If they chop you up into tiny little pieces and then eat you this is not a good sign. Before this happens, find a picture of them taken face on with them looking right into the camera. Start by looking at their left eye. Then look at their right eye. In the case of the nice person, both eyes are in the center of the eyeball and focusing right on you. In the case of the not so nice person one eye may be a bit off center and looking out to the side. In the case of the truly evil person both eyes are in the far corner of the eye looking sideways. This is called snake eyes.

so was that helpful friends?allright heres another tip.evil people ruin your plans.they wait.they stalk you.silently lurking in the dark.then when your not aware they attack.and there goes.all your wonderful plans down the gutter of ruined hopes and dreams.they are masters of great disguises.seductive ,yet ugly.someone said that the devil holds immense physical charm.but my evil ones were and are not so pretty i must say!they rotting corpses.evil people lie constantly and endlessly. Their lies and threats are obvious baloney, but they are designed to confuse you and make you doubt yourself so that you will give them power over you. This is an effective tool and has led to numerous of the most evil human beings ever grabbing immense political power over millions of willing followers. Adolf Hitler is an excellent example.

Normally humans have built in radar against evil people. When you are in the presence of an evil person you will get a shaky creepy feeling and want to run for your life. When you are in the presence of an angel person you will feel a warm glow.

well i must call it a night now folks.and till we meet again be safe and lock your doors and windows just incase the evil one appears!

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